Current Actions

Just Stop UnJustStops
Spin the Yard Series

Know Your Rights Learning Session 4
Join the Just Stop UnJust Stop's campaign at Spin the Yard (1529 Straight Path, Wyandanch) on Friday, September 13th at 6:00pm. Join us for community, food, and to gain the confidence to articulate your rights in a police traffic or pedestrian stop.
Share YOUR Story
Long Island United to Transform Policing and Community Safety (LIUTPCS) is interested in learning more about Long Islanders' experience with policing. Your story matters and can shape the change needed to transform what community safety looks like.
Share your story with us by emailing
The People's Plan
Created by the People, for the People

The People’s Plan is a set of public safety recommendations developed by three community-led coalitions (LI United to Transform Policing and Community Safety, LI Advocates for Police Accountability, and United for Justice in Policing LI) with the input of hundreds of Long Islanders. This comprehensive plan presents 12 proposals for structural reform to Reimagine Policing and Public Safety to ensure that LI is safe for ALL Long Islanders.