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We Did Good Things Together
Although we, as a coalition, have been on a break for a couple of weeks after a busy start to the year, we have seen current events continue to showcase the need for transforming community safety. As we continue to reflect and process, we wanted to highlight some recent local wins based on all of your collective efforts with us. While there is always more to do, let’s celebrate these wins on our way forward!
7 Workgroups
Bi-weekly Coalition Meetings
50 Organizational members
100s of Members
Significant Presence on Social Media
12 Research-backed Proposals
20 Summary One-pagers
3 Convening Coalitions
700+ Endorsers
81 organizations
662 individual
Legitimacy in the eyes of the Public, the Press, & the PD
PD & Government know that we are not going away
Numerous Media Showings on:
News 12
Local Print Media
Presence in the NY Times
Interviews of NPR/WNYC
Constant Presence at Hearings
4 Hours & 51 Minutes of public comment at Suffolk PSC!!

Both County PD's
Are setting a code of conduct that will codify that police personnel will treat gender expansive people as equal to cis folks.
WIll Begin to divert mental health 911 calls to local mental health professionals
Expanding Mental Health Response
Workgroup is supporting implementation
Improved Data Collection
Increased Public Safety Comm oversight
Improvements to the Complaint Process
Pushed the conversation about racial bias in policing
Exposed politician’s deep denial of systemic racism in both parties.
Expanding Mental Health Response
Public facing Data - Dashboards
Restrictions on Pretextual Stops
End consent searches
Warnings (not tickets) for equipment violations
Task Force will evaluate the need for SRO program with community members, parents, etc.
Pushed a conversation on Independent Oversight and police accountability
We Are Saving Lives