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Únete a nosotros

LI United consists of a number of working groups that specialize and focus on various issues. To join one of our working groups, navigate to the "Join Us" page.

Police Accountability

Support the implementation and act as a watchdog as the counties implement their plans related to police accountability.

Affected Communities

& LI Speaks

Outreach and organize the most affected communities to bring people into the coalition and collect their stories.

Public Education

Coordinate forums and utilize other mechanisms to educate the public on the People’s Plan and issues related to policing.

No Cop Money & Local Elections

Influencing local elections to push coalition goals. 

  • Rating candidates

  • Informing candidate forums

  • Influencing candidates not to take PBA funds

  • Coordinating electoral outreach 

Justice Responders

Promote current actions and events through various forms of outreach in order to push forward coalition initiatives.

Alternate Crisis Response

Support the implementation of a tiered system for alternative crises response.


Develop and implement a press strategy to keep the coalition and its campaigns in the media.


Leverage art to promote the coalition and its campaigns.


Develop’s the coalition’s state-level strategy, including:

  • Identifying state-level partners

  • Identifying legislation that the coalition should back.

  • Coordinating campaigns to support state-level legislation.

Traffic Enforcement

Support Suffolk County in the implementation and codification of their traffic plan. Document issues of pretextual stops, particularly related to smell of marijuana.

Digital Organizing

Leverage and maintain social media platforms to promote the coalition and its campaigns.

Onboarding &  Membership

Implement the process of onboarding new members into the coalition, regularly meeting with organizational members to strengthen their organizing and build their connection with the coalition, and supporting development of a welcoming, caring community that people are proud to be a part of and work for.


Begin the process of understanding the budget & detailing how the coalition can go about participatory budgeting. This includes:

  • Detailing where divestments should be made.

  • Researching participatory budgeting & a process to implement.

  • Working with govt. Officials to formally implement participatory budgeting or develop the foundation for a “People’s Budget”

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